Deep breath in and deep breath out….this is what I have been focusing on these last few weeks as we start the process of back to school. There are so many questions and anxiety around our kids going back to school. Most schools are offering various options from virtual and in-person learning to a hybrid of them both. Plus there is also the option to homeschool your kids too. As parents we feel a lot of pressure to make the RIGHT decision for our kids but you know what? There is NO right answer and NO bad choice.
As a family on numerous occasions, we discussed with our boys what going back to school will look like. You know as well as I do that it is a lot of information to take in and process as a child. My heart hurts that we live in a day when this is what normal looks like. Sad that a piece of their childhood is forever affected by this virus. I want the boys to understand the gravity of the situation without fear, however, it is a fine line to walk. I can’t begin to count how many times we went back and forth on what to do with the kids and back to school. Obviously, I don’t want them or anyone around them to get sick but I also worry about the emotional impact that this will have on our kids.
Preparing For The First Day
As in previous years, our family has back to school traditions that ease the first day jitters. This is now more important than ever with everything going on in the world. In the weeks before school starts, we shop for new school clothes and the first day of school outfit. This year we ordered new clothes online. Let’s be honest, my boys don’t like to shop so they prefer online anyway.
First Day of School Signs
One of our must do’s on the first day of school is to get a photo of each of the boys holding a sign displaying their new grade. It is so fun to compare the last day with the first side by side. I don’t need to tell you this but kids grow so fast.
Here are two FREE signs to download and print for your first day. Pro tip: We cut foam board and glue/tape it to the back of the sign.
Back To School Breakfast
About 5 years ago when my oldest was entering Kindergarten, we started a tradition of a fun themed breakfast for the first day of school. We serve owl pancakes or pencil waffles with some of their favorite breakfast treats. Each of the boys also gets a new school-themed book and a few little presents like a watch, stylus, cute erasers, locker magnets, and more. Check out this post for some inspiration at Back To School Breakfast With Target Dollar Spot.
Back To School Traditions
Start creating your own traditions too like packing a special lunch, conducting an interview, or having their favorite after school treat. Find 12 Back to School Traditions That Your Kids Will Love to start creating more memories with your family.
Let’s remember that we are all in this together and support each other. We will be praying for all of you and hope everyone has a great school year.

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