What I Love About You Valentine’s Day Heart Tradition

It doesn’t matter if your primary love language is words of affirmation or another love language, being reminded just how special you are is always welcomed.  No, you don’t need to become Romeo and profess your love looking up to someone on a balcony.  Just simple words verbal or written can fill their love bucket.


Every year on February 1st, we start the countdown to Valentine’s Day with daily ‘What I love About You’ hearts.  These heart shaped cut outs can contain simple words of why you love them, appreciate them, or how proud you are of them.  We put one heart in their mailbox each morning and raise the flag.  The boys race to open their mailboxes to read the heart and add it to their bedroom door.  To be fair, they might be more excited for the one piece of candy in each also.  To learn more about our DIY mailboxes clicking here.


This year instead of my best attempt to cut out the shape of a heart, I decided to make these conversation heart inspired printables.  Each heart starts with ‘I love you because’ or ‘I am proud of you because’ plus several more options to choose from every day.

Spreading compliments, encouragement, and acknowledgment is the fuel needed to boost your loved one’s confidence.  Honestly, I personally need to do better at this on a daily basis all year long but it is hard.  If you let the moment go by without saying something, it is hard to go back.  Like for example, my oldest may volunteer to help make dinner.  I am so happy to have his help and busy at the same time preparing the meal that the moment passes.  My challenge to you is to be intentional and look for those moments.  It could be something as simple as taking out the trash unprompted or sharing their toys with a friend.  Whatever it is, take the time to express your love with words of affirmation.  You just might be surprised the difference that it makes!

Happy Valentine’s Day

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