14 Ways To Create Tooth Fairy Magic


Well the days of simply exchanging coins under your child’s pillow for their pearly whites are long gone.  I am sorry to break it to ya but things just got a little more involved.  Some traditions are old, some new, some crafty, and even high tech.  But before you panic and throw the whole idea out of the window, some of the following ideas just might make the whole concept of the tooth fairy a little more manageable.

1. Tooth Fairy Pillow

Looking back on it, I am amazed by how my parents managed to sneak in and out of my room without waking us up, especially since my sister and I shared a room.  We tried super ninja moves in our oldest son’s room when he was little and it was nearly impossible to get in and out unheard.  Once my husband slithered under the crib to avoid being seen.  Oh how I wish our video baby monitors saved video back then.   So, we wised up and found these cute little tooth fairy pillows to hang on their beds.

I am sure you can get other versions of these in more than one place but I bought these particular ones from Etsy.  You could even hang it outside the door.  Easy peasy right?

tooth fairy pillow on door.jpg

2. Glitter Dollars and Coins

The thrill of waking up in the morning to find the tooth gone and money in its place is not lost on this one.  However, the number one question by far asked among us adults about the tooth fairy is ‘what is the going rate per tooth?’  I have heard all things from a quarter to $10 a tooth.  Did somebody say TEN dollars?  I know right?  Not in this family.  We have decided to use a $5 bill for the first tooth and a $2 bill for each tooth after that…seems fair enough.  I then precede to spray each bill with glitter dust spray before exchanging them for the tooth.  For more fun, you could find a bank with gold coins or go on Etsy for tooth fairy pressed pennies.

glitter 2.jpg

3. Tooth Passport/ Chart

Want a good way to keep track of your child’s lost teeth and get them engaged in dental health?  Start a lost tooth chart.  Here are a few color options for you to print from Hallmark.  Ours were actually sewn onto the back of the tooth fairy pillow.  You could also make a passport book to track the progress of their lost teeth.

4. Tooth Invoice/ Receipt

Imagine the excitement your kids will have when they find a tooth receipt with the money or gift left behind by the tooth fairy.  I love how these receipts include a condition score from excellent to fair to encourage better brushing.  I mean if the tooth fairy says it then it must be true.  Here is the link for the free printables.

tooth receipt

5. Fairy Mail

Create tiny adorable letters to put under their pillow, in a miniature mail box or in a cork-topped bottle.  You could even roll them and tie them with floss.  I found some cute editable and printable fairy mail on Etsy.   Once I edited it the way that I wanted, I then scaled it down to print.  Of course you could also learn to write super teeny and do it yourself.

fairy letter

6. Fairy Dust

Don’t be afraid of glitter…leave the fairy dust EVERYWHERE.  Place it under the pillow, on the windowsill, on the floor, or even leading up to their fairy door.  My oldest son called us out on this once because he received money that had no glitter.  He was convinced that it was us that did it.  My blank expression was priceless as I scrambled my brain to find an excuse.  I even wondered if I should tell him the truth.  Nay, I decided to keep this magic going a little longer.

fairy dust

7. Photo Proof

There’s an app for that!  We are in the 21st century, none the less.  First, take a picture of your child sleeping.  Then simply plug it into the ‘I Saw..The Tooth Fairy’ app and the fairy magically appears in the picture.  So cool!  I actually found this one by accident when searching for a capturing Santa app.  Yes, there is one for Christmas too that captures him putting the presents under the tree.

8. DIY Fairy Doors

OK so this one is my favorite!  Create a fairy door to put in their bedrooms or somewhere on a wall.  The options are endless.  I actually choose to put one in our hallway between all the boys’ rooms.  We have a little bend in the hallway that makes a little corner and I thought it was the perfect spot.  Go to any craft store or online and get a doll house door.  I got an unfinished one from Hobby Lobby.  There were several other options of doors there too.  And if you are not the crafty type, that is okay.  Then you can just buy one from Amazon or Etsy already done.  I have plans to change the decorations with the seasons like Fall and Christmas.  I know, I know…I have officially crossed over.  The Christmas elves can even use the same door.  Here is a link to my other page with exactly how to create your own tooth fairy door.

9. Twirling Tooth Fairy Jar

I will be honest this idea was new to me but sounds so fun.  Start by placing the tooth in the bottom of a jar full of water.  When your child wakes up in the morning, there will be coins in the bottom of the jar and the tooth will be gone.  What is even more fun, is that the dust from your fairy’s wings will change the color of the water.  How much fun will it be to find out what color your fairy is?

color jar

10.  Tooth Dish or Box

This one the kids could get involved with and make themselves.  Have them decorate a small trinket box or make and paint a pottery dish.  Leave the dish or box with the tooth on their dresser at night for the fairy.  This could also double as a keepsake to save their teeth, too.  Here are a couple really cute ideas of the  trinket box and fairy dish.

11. Origami Money

Put your origami skills to the test.  Make a basket or a heart to present the coins for the tooth exchange.  I admit, I am terrible at all things origami and get lost after the first fold but if you can do it then go for it.

12. Glitter Footprints

What is cuter than tiny little footprints?  Make a stencil from card stock paper, use a barbie shoe, or just free hand it.  Place them on the windowsill or leading up to the fairy door.  Let their imagination run wild.

glitter footprints

13. Healthy Tooth Gifts

Now this one may not be for every tooth but maybe more for the first lost tooth.  You could make a little gift bag or bucket and include a toothbrush with their favorite character, a tooth fairy book, sugarless gum, fun lip balm, favorite flavored toothpaste, a fun timer for brushing, or any small trinket toy.  Jadon lost his first tooth and I made up a Star Wars themed gift basket with a Death Star timer.  This will hopefully get them excited for better dental hygiene.

14.  Picture in Time

So, for this one get out your phone or camera and take a picture of your little one smiling with their lost tooth.  You could even have your child hold up a chalkboard sign describing which tooth was lost and on what day.  Then print them all and put them in a scrapbook to share with them later.

What tooth fairy tradition did you have growing up?  Comment below with your favorite memory.

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