
What I Love About You Valentine’s Day Heart Tradition

It doesn’t matter if your primary love language is words of affirmation or another love language, being reminded just how special you are is always welcomed.  No, you don’t need to become Romeo and profess your love looking up to someone on a balcony.  Just simple words verbal or written can fill their love bucket.

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Valentine’s Day Decorating Ideas for Your Home

As Valentine’s Day draws near give your home some romantic touches.  For me, I never really celebrated this holiday much until I had kids.  After all the fun of Christmas, Valentine’s Day just felt empty like it needed something.  Plus I needed a way to chase away the winter blues.  Decorating with love of reds, pinks, and fresh flowers definitely did the trick.

I tend to lean toward more of a farmhouse style in my decor.  Although I must admit, it was harder to find items for this holiday than others.  So I searched more handmade options from sites like Etsy or from unique local stores.

Here are a few inspirational photos of areas around our home.

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